
Grade Data AnalysisGradacyjna Analiza Danych

Models and Methods of Grade Data Analysis: Recent Developments

Strona w księgarni Lideria


Wiesław Szczesny
Teresa Kowalczyk
Anna Wolińska-Welcz
Marek Wiech
Aldona Dunicz-Sokolowska
Grażyna Grabowska
Elżbieta Pleszczyńska

Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences
ISBN 978-83-63159-02-3
ISBN 978-83-63159-03-0 (e-ISBN)
EAN: 9788363159023

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Grade Models and Methods for Data Analysis
With Applications for the Analysis of Data Populations

Information on Publisher's website (Springer)


Teresa Kowalczyk
Elżbieta Pleszczyńska
Frederick Ruland


Frederick Ruland
Teresa Kowalczyk
Wiesław Szczesny
Elżbieta Pleszczyńska
Alicja Ciok
Włodzimierz Wysocki
Olaf Matyja
Maria Grzegorek

ISBN 3-540-21120-9

This book provides a new grade methodology for intelligent data analysis. It introduces a specific infrastructure of concepts needed to describe data analysis models and methods. This monograph is the only book presently available covering both the theory and application of grade data analysis aimed at both researchers and students, as well as, applied practitioners. The text is richly illustrated through examples and case studies, and includes a short introduction to the software implementing grade methods, which can be downloaded from the editors.

The series: Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, contains publications on various areas within, so-called, soft computing which includes: fuzzy sets, rough sets, neural networks, evolutionary computations, probabilistic and evidential reasoning, multivalued logic, and related fields. The publications within Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing are primarily monographs and edited volumes. They cover significant recent developments in the field, both of a foundational and applicable character.

Table of contents from Springer web page. [pdf]

You are welcome to perform your own analyses on the examples from this book. [MS Excel files compressed as RAR archive]

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Analiza danych medycznych i demograficznych przy użyciu programu GradeStat

Analysis of medical and demographic data with the help of program GradeStat - book in Polish


M.D. PhD Janusz Książyk
PhD Eng. Olaf Matyja
Prof. Elżbieta Pleszczyńska
MSc Marek Wiech


Emilia Jarochowska
Maria Grzegorek
Jarosław Hirny
Olaf Matyja
Marek Wiech

Scientific opinion:

PhD / Assistant Prof. Wiesław Szczesny

Production editor:

Anna Bittner

Cover design:

Magdalena Pośnik


This publication was co-sponsored by the Institute of Computer Science PAS and The Children's Memorial Health Institute, which provided the medical data used in this book for the comprehensive examples.

In that GradeStat is distributed without a manual, this book helps one to take the first steps in the analysis of data using GradeStat. The owners of this book can receive a free registration code which unlocks all the options in GradeStat by sending mail to

ISBN 83-922508-0-X

The completion of this book provided the opportunity to release the GradeStat program to the public. Since the release, we have been receiving comments and opinions on the GCA method and its implementation. We welcome more reviews. Please send them to:

Lists of libraries owing a copy of the book

How to order the book "Analiza danych medycznych i demograficznych przy użyciu programu GradeStat"

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