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Grade Data AnalysisGradacyjna Analiza Danych

What is GradeStat?

GradeStat is a statistical program for exploratory data analysis. The program is developed by the Institute of Computer Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The basis of GradeStat is that of "grade analysis" which allows for a rapid investigation of large data sets. A unique property of the program is the visualization of output via over-representation maps and dependence indices maps.

GradeStat is invaluable as a "first-contact with the data." A several days workshop for practitioners in being planned in cooperation with System Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences.

Olaf Matyja, Ph.D., is the author of the GradeStat program.

How to get GradeStat?

The GradeStat program is included on CD with the book "Analysis of Medical and Demographical Data Using the Program GradeStat" (in Polish). The publication was co-sponsored by:

This book is a complete GradeStat manual for researchers working with large data sets (of complete or incomplete data) measured on any scale (nominal, ordinal, or ratio). The version of GradeStat accompanying the book is a fully functional. A few of the more sophisticated analytical functions may be switched on via a registration process: click here for registering code The book including the CD with program can be ordered through the Lideria Publishing House.

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